SQA Results Day: Don't Panic!

With exam results hiding just around the corner, now is not the most relaxed time amongst students. But does it really have to be this way?

SQA Results Day: Don't Panic!
Photo by Tonik / Unsplash

It's human nature; it's understandable.

With exam results being broadcast to students across Scotland in just a few days and the UCAS embargo period in full swing, students across the country will be enduring the nail-bitingly stressful time period leading up to the Text Message of Fate™. If you're a proud holder of a conditional offer to St Andrews, you may be doubly nervous with butterflies in your stomach, sweating bullets, sh*tting bricks, or any other such idiom of preference. You may be asking yourself questions such as "What if I don't get in?"

Calm down.

Take a deep breath.

The hard work is already done.

You can sit back and relax now, for the ball is no longer in your court currently. If you have tried your best in your exams (and that's all that anyone, including yourself, can ask of you) then you will get the result that you rightfully deserve. And if you don't, you can appeal. If you're a very rational thinker, hopefully that can put your mind at ease a little.

What are my options on Results Day?

  1. If you get your required grades, congratulations!
  2. If you narrowly miss your grades, you can appeal.
  3. If your appeal is rejected, universities are often slightly lenient with results criteria.
  4. If the university still rejects you, you have your insurance choice.
  5. If your insurance choice is a conditional and you miss that too, again they may be lenient.
  6. If they reject you as well, you can apply for UCAS Clearing, or take a gap year.

My advice: Don't think about it!

Besides this reminder of the upcoming results (sorry), if you can, I would strongly recommend just putting your exam-related thoughts aside. The SQA doesn't deserve your mental real estate any longer anyways. Go and enjoy life a lil'. Meet up with friends, or go have a walk.

If you're still not in a good headspace regarding results anxiety, consider reaching out to friends or family members that you trust about the matter if you haven't already. Just talking it out can help clear your head. If you still need to talk to somebody, I'd be more than happy for you to reach out to me, or dip into one of the freshers' group chats, linked below:

St Andrews Class of 2028
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